In case you may not know it, I am probably the biggest scardey cat on the face of the Earth. I am terrified of practically everything. For example, I'm scared of my future, I'm terrified of failure, and I despise scary movies with a passion. To prove my point of how absurd my fears are, I will share this with you...I'm scared of furbies, E.T, and having my knees touched. Seriously. Fear is a huge issue in my life and its something I have constantly had to work on.
Until about a year ago, I never realized that fear was a choice. You can choose to have fear or you can choose to have courage. It's a simple concept in theory, but so gosh dang hard to apply. Once I had this epiphany, I began to put forth a conscious effort to overcome the fear in my life. I started with the silly and weird stuff, like my stupid knee fear and worked my way up to my fears of failure and my future. The only way I was able and continue to be able to overcome my fears is through courage and faith in God.
There is a quote going around the internet stating " The Bible says 'Do not fear" 365 times. " I don't know if it's true and honestly, I don't care. Any number of times God says it to me is enough. We live in a world were we constantly want MORE, and we believe things are better if we hear it more, if we have more, etc. We should be able to just hear " Do not Fear" once, and have faith in it. But alas, we suffer from failure,we make mistakes and we give into our fears.
The point of this post is to motivate myself and others to be courageous. It may not be pleasant at first, but with time, it will become easier. The biggest fear I have overcome is my fear of the future. I think I was able to overcome it when I went on a retreat that had this bible passage as the verse for the weekend "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope." -Jeremiah 29:11.
God has every moment of our lives planned out. Its absolutely crazy when you think about it! He knows what school you are going to go to, he know which job offer you are going to take, he knows when you are going to cry, to feel pain, to feel extreme joy, and he knows when you feel like you can't take it anymore. He knows all of that, right now. Not only does he know that, but he is willing to take all of the burdens off of you. He is willing to take away all the fears, the tears, the moments where you feel like you are going to explode in pain. He can handle that, and keep you with the moments of happiness, courage and hope. In that moment when you let go of all the hurt, and let God take care of it, then you will feel complete happiness in your future, no matter where it may lead you.
My point is, let go. Let go of your fears and let God take care of them. Trust. He can handle those issues with far more grace than any of us ever could.