Friday, December 14, 2012

Response to CT Shooting:

Response to CT shooting:

I write this, completely horrified, immediately after getting off work at a High School. Words cannot even begin to express the emotions that coarse through my veins when I read about this shooting. However, I will do my best to put this in writing. As with every person who hears about a school shooting, our first reaction is shock and horror. Now that I’m getting older and know so many people who work in the school system and currently have the opportunity to work in the system, my emotions and feelings are magnified 100%.  Upon hearing of the shooting, I sat in my office and thought about how many students I could hide in my office if a shooting were ever to occur. I thought about how they would climb on my desk, under the desk, and behind the file cabinet. 25 students is my best guess.

Seriously? Do we live in a world where we need to think like this? I am appalled, much like the rest of you at this occurrence. I think we all can agree that this is not the type of world we want to live in or raise our children in. But this is what is being handed to us and the only people who can make it better is each of us. When a situation like this occurs, we all want to blame someone, obviously in this specific situation – the shooter. It is understandable to feel anger and pure hatred for that man, but complaining about him does not bring those children home to their parents.  That bed is still going to be empty at the end of the day.

Now I do not care about your religious views, political views, or personal views. I do not care if you are an optimistic person, a pessimistic person or a realist.  We need to stop judging each other. We need to stop hating each other. We need to get our act together. This world is not going to fix itself.  Please help make this world a better place.

Stop saying hurtful things about others, because you have no idea what is going on in that person’s mind. Stop arguing with others over pointless things. Let your family and friends know you appreciate them, everyday. If you see a stranger in danger, help them. I do not care if you have never met that person in your life – you were put on this Earth for a purpose, and I am going to bet it was not to stand on the sidelines and stare as others get hurt.  I am not saying we all need to throw on a superhero cape and start saving lives left and right, but I am saying that we each have special talents and gifts that we can put to good use. It is about damn time we started using them the right way. 


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