Monday, January 2, 2012

An unconditional love.

My name is Katty.

I am a 21 year of old, proud Catholic from Chicago. I love laughing, puppies, puddle jumping, and most importantly, I love God. I recently graduated from a University and have stumbled back home to my fairly lukewarm parish. While at school, I was a part of the Catholic community there, and it became my home, my comfort zone. Coming back to my Chicago parish now, I feel out of place and a bit lost. This blog is my saving grace. My hope is that by devoting myself to an online blog I will be able to keep motivating myself in my faith while I search for a strong, faith-filled community here in Chicago. In this blog I will be posting anything and everything relating to faith. Questions, answers, predicaments, praises, thanks you's, prayers, you name it, and it will probably end up in here. The title of my blog "An unconditional love", was the best way I could possibly think to describe God. God loves each of us with a passionate, unrestricted, on the verge of being absolutely insane love. I  could write about it for days, but seeing this is my first post, I will stop myself there. Thank you for taking the time to read what I have to say, and if you have an suggestions for improvements I'm always willing to listen. Thanks. :) 

Philippians 4: 6-7

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