Monday, January 2, 2012

It's your heart that beats inside our chests.

I was struggling to determine what I should write about first, when one of my favorite songs came on and sparked my attention. The song is titled "Deuces Las Cruces" by Memphis May Fire. A majority of you have most likely never heard the song, so here it is for your listening pleasure.

Fair warning, for most reading this you will be shocked by what your ears are about to hear. This genre of music is typically too intense for most people. I happen to love it. What is most impressive about this song are the lyrics. The part that stuck out the most to me was this...

" It's your heart that beats inside our chests. We'll do our part, and you'll do the rest. We'll go where you need us to be. We'll plant the seed."

I'll let you get into my mind for a moment. I over think everything. Sometimes I spend hours of my day analyzing just a single sentence, or perhaps in this case, a set of song lyrics. The line "It's your heart that beats inside our chests" was one of those analyzing moments for me. It's his heart that beats inside my chest? What?! Mind blown. What a phenomenal lyric. I spent most of yesterday realizing exactly what it means. I so easily forget that my body, my hands, my feet, my mind, all of me, is not my own. It's God's. He placed me on Earth for a purpose, I couldn't tell you in the slightest what my purpose is, but I know it's there. 

After I stopped spazzing over that song lyric, I moved to the rest. "We'll do our part, and you'll do the rest. We'll go where you need us to be. " You know that purpose I mentioned earlier, well it gets even more intense! Yes, we are all placed on Earth for a purpose, but not only that, we all take part of something much bigger. Do you realize that without you it can never be complete? It's like spending days working on a puzzle only to realize that the last piece is missing. The puzzle will never be complete. It will never feel whole. You will never feel satisfied. We all take part in something so much bigger than us. We all have a calling. You know what I'm talking about, that feeling, that tugging, pulling you to do something that sometimes you just don't want to do. Sometimes we have to just shut up and do it. Don't stress over it too much though, because all we have to do is put forth our best effort to complete our part and God covers the rest, because he is the bomb diggity. He is complete perfection.

And finally, the last line, " We will plant the seed." This is something I heard all the time while I was at school and it took me awhile to genuinely understand it. Planting the seed refers to sparking a small fire in someone's heart for their faith. Think about planting a seed for a tree, obviously a seed starts out incredibly small and unless it is provided with the proper resources it will never grow. However, when a seed is given what it needs - water, sunlight, etc it has the potential to grow into a powerful and beautiful tree. Here is a real life example. My freshman year of college my friend, Katie, invited me to join her bible study. That invitation was a planted seed. With the help of a lot of other faithful people, prayers and  proper resources I have been able to grow into the devout woman I am today. Anyways, what struck me about this line is that we are only called to plant seeds. We are not heros, we are not saviors, and thats okay because we're not meant to be. God is the hero, the savior. He saves souls, not us. I forget that a lot.   I have to consistently remind myself that I'm not a superhero. Anything good you see in me is because of  God.

Philippians 4: 6-7

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaah! I love it! Exactly how I often feel. I think I need to be the savior. You know God thinks we are hilarious for even considering it. He is in charge. Of everything. Such a peaceful thought.
